About Myself

Hello, My name is Chase and currently I am studying Computer Science at John Abbott College.

I will be working at Tecsys in the helpdesk department assisting with Java and SQL issues

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Dnd Website using Node.js

A group project using node.js to create a website that gives users info on dnd characteristics and gameplay

See Repo
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Video Game in C# Console

A solo project using C# to create a basic video game with win and lose conditions

See Repo
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File Read & Write

reading data from 2 text files. Data will be processed as objects and the program will generate 4 reports which will be written to 4 different text files.

See Repo
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WPF C# Project

An inventory Tracker App that adds items to a CSV file

See Repo
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Android Application in Java

A group project using android studio that focuses on letting farmers keep track of their inventory on the farm ex: Animals and crops which are stored in a DB

See Repo
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Small Blockchain Demo (Python)

A group project using python to replicate the functionality of the blockchain, cryptocurrency and wallets

See Repo